Ki ga Fureru (気が触れる - Losing One's Mind)

Dec 15, 2018 22:20
Ki ga Furetu

Today, I was about to take an act called 'ki ga furetu' (気が触れる).

'Ki ga furetu' means to lose one's mind or become crazy.

'Ki' (気) in 'ki ga futeru' means "mind" or "spirit."

'Fureru' (触れる) means "to touch" in most cases, but it can also mean "to be crazy."

That is to say, the literal meaning of 'ki ga fureru' is "one's mind becomes crazy."

In present Japan, I think that 'ki ga hureru' is the only idiom that uses the verb 'fureru' as the meaning of "to be crazy."



「気」は "mind" や "spirit" を意味します。

「触れる」はほとんどの場合 "to touch" を意味しますが、"to be crazy" を意味することもできます。

すなわち「気が触れる」の文字どおりの意味は、 "one's mind becomes crazy" となります。

No. 1 mare's correction
  • Ki ga Fureru (気が触れる - Losing One's Mind)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today, I was about to take an act called 'ki ga furetu' (気が触れる).
  • Today, I was about to take an act called 'ki ga furetu' (気が触れる).
     Today it seems like I was "ki ga fureru"
  • 'Ki ga furetu' means to lose one's mind or become crazy.
  • 'Ki ga furertu' means to lose one's mind or become crazy.
  • 'Ki' (気) in 'ki ga futeru' means "mind" or "spirit."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Fureru' (触れる) means "to touch" in most cases, but it can also mean "to be crazy."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, the literal meaning of 'ki ga fureru' is "one's mind becomes crazy."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In present Japan, I think that 'ki ga hureru' is the only idiom that uses the verb 'fureru' as the meaning of "to be crazy."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for the correction! :)